How Good Can it Get

With Maggie Saunders

To live a fulfilling & joy-FUELED life, you GOTTA upgrade your relationship with the ONLY person you spend your entire life with — yourself.

And after facilitating over 1,500 subconscious coaching sessions

I’ve uncovered THE SUBCONSCIOUS SECRET SAUCE to creating a life you’re obsessed with:

Stop treating yourself like a problem that needs to be fixed.

  • You’re not a problem.

  • You’re not “broken”.

  • There’s nothing “wrong” with you.

  • You aren’t any weirder than anyone else.

And you don’t have to stop being who you are to have a good life.

It’s actually the complete opposite…

to live a life that makes you WANNA write a ’90s ballad you gotta get up close and personal with all the weird, sad, wild, chill, flaky, multidimensional parts of yourself.

Hi, I’m Maggie!

"I would recommend Maggie to anyone and everyone.” - Danika B.

"I would recommend Maggie to anyone and everyone.” - Danika B.

let me break it down

If you want an overflowing checking, savings, AND retirement account that would make Daddy Warbucks jealous…

You gotta address the morality you’ve placed on money and get to know the emo teenager inside of you who thinks responsibilities are lame

If you want to travel through Italy eating homemade pasta with your 6’5” green-eyed new lover…

It’s time to stop telling yourself that people are “incapable of changing” and embrace the part of yourself that feels vulnerable being loved.

If you want to 10x your business profits this year and hire a team to handle the tasks you loathe…

Then stop ruminating on how your past attempts “should have gone” and cozy up to the part of you that hates being perceived as anything but *perfect*.

The people I work with are eager to understand themselves deeply and will stop at nothing to
make their life an extraordinary experience.

let’s work together

  • "Working with Maggie has been an exceptional experience. Her ability to unpack and explain to me the how and why of my subconscious mind is a revelation every time we meet."


  • “I feel like she genuinely cares about me and I appreciate that more than I can express in words. Simply put, before I felt like I was living through a never-ending, dark storm and now life is calm and happy."

    - JENIKA K.

  • "As a provider myself, I know how rare it is to find someone with Maggie’s level of expertise, empathy, and insight. Her thoughtful guidance has made all the difference in my journey — when I look back on my life, I’ll know that I lived it the way I truly wanted."

    - LAURA M.

  • "I was able to find the path forward that worked for me—and not with the cookie-cutter plan I thought would work, but with one that took into account my personality."

    - JULIE F.

get straight to the GOOD




With Maggie Saunders

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